Wednesday 22 April 2015

stranger in the fire, lay with me tonight

Leading up to 2015, I had made the resolution (as cheesy as it is) to really dedicate myself to a long-term project that would last me at least a year. I have a bad tendency to get tired of plans and procrastinate for months on end, I am the prime example of the "I can do that laterrrrr" mind-set. To hopefully combat this problem and to have a sorta-good excuse to take a bunch of photos, I decided to create a blog!
Hopefully I can use this platform to record some of my latest discoveries and experiences throughout 2015 and to discuss music, films, books, fashion and the significant importance of Beyoncé.

I really felt like experimenting with different textures and patterns today and adding a slightly vintage twist to the look. I'm in love with these oxford shoes that I managed to nab at a suitcase rummage a few months back for only five dollars. I also adore this cute gingham skirt I bought at Universal Store on sale during the Christmas season. The denim jacket is a vintage Ann Taylor that my Mum purchased in New York during her flight attendant days. The badges are just little things I've found in various markets around Brisbane.

My first stop for the day was at Archive Books, a beautiful and very large antique bookshop on Charlotte Street, The whole place is just a completely quiet, tranquil hideaway from the rest of the busy city. They have books on practically every topic imaginable and I spent most of my time there reading up on old cinema, dressmaking, photography and skimming through various Agatha Christie novels.

After spending time idly looking around the bookstore, I made my way further down the street to Elizabeth Arcade, a small, slightly secluded area full of an eclectic mix of different stores and restaurants. The place traces back to the early 90's, when Elizabeth Arcade was in its grunge phase and catered to the edgier population of Brisbane. Since then, years have passed and times have changed and now Elizabeth Arcade has become filled with a mixture of Asian boutiques, cheap restaurants and other unique clothing stores.

All in all, pretty lovely day today. I'm really excited to explore Brisbane city more and all it has to offer.

Love, Gina x